
Are You considering Golem’s bounties at the ETHWarsaw 2024 Hackathon? You’ll have the opportunity to contribute to both the Golem and the Ethereum ecosystems, unleash your creativity, and showcase your skills using Golem’s tools.

Whether you’re a blockchain expert, a cloud computing enthusiast, or simply passionate about coding, Golem’s hackathon is the perfect platform for you to shine!

<aside> 👀 Building for ETHWarsaw 2024? You’re in the right place. The Golem Factory team is available to help onboard as many hackers as possible. Use the available resources to build a project that grabs a piece of the 10,000 $

There will be a total of 4 winners (2 per track). $5,000 USD will be awarded per track.


Golem Network


<aside> 💰 Beyond the rewards, our team will be reviewing the projects to potentially offer extended funding and support to those promising initiatives that can contribute to the growth of the Golem ecosystem! https://www.golem.network/ecosystem
