

Is the hackathon free of charge?

This year we change our policy. The hackathon and the conference remain free of charge, however we require hackers to buy tickets on which will be refunded after a successful project submission via Devfolio platform.

Do I need a ticket?

Hackers who want to attend the conference on 5th-6th Sept need to have a valid ticket. After submitting a project for the hackathon, the ticket will be fully refunded!

Hackers who don’t want to attend the conference don’t need a ticket. Registration for the hackers without the conference tickets starts on 6th Sept at 3 PM.

How to sign up for the hackathon?

  1. Sign up via Google Form:
  2. Wait for the confirmation email.

3a. If you want to attend the conference, buy a ticket (you will be refunded after submitting a hackathon project). In the confirmation email you will find a link to a promo code for hackers so you don’t need to stake the full price!

3b. If you don’t want to attend the conference, just come to the hackathon on Sept 6th, 3 PM.

Important dates:

September 1st - hackathon sign ups deadline

September 5th 10 AM - conference opening

September 6th 3 PM - registration for the hackers without the conference tickets

September 6th, 5 PM - hackathon opening, revealing all hackathon bounties

September 8th, 10 AM - submission deadline

September 8th, 4 PM - winners announcement, closing ceremony